About the Regulator

The Information Regulator (South Africa) is an independent body established in terms of section 39 of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. It is subject only to the law and the constitution and it is accountable to the national assembly.
The information regulator is, among others, empowered to monitor and enforce compliance by public and private bodies with the provisions of the promotion of access to information act, 2000 (act 2 of 2000), and the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (act 4 of 2013).

The Protection of Personal Information Act, (Act 4 of 2013)

The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA) aims to promote the protection of personal information processed by public and private bodies by, among others, introducing certain conditions for the lawful processing of personal information so as to establish minimum requirements for the processing of such information.

The Information Regulator (South Africa) is, among others, empowered to monitor and enforce compliance by public and private bodies with the provisions of the POPIA Act.

Document TitleDateDownload
Invitation to submit the 2023/2024 financial year annual reports in respect of access to information requests received and processed by the public and private bodies, in terms of Section 32 and Section 83(4) of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 200001 May 2025 - 30 June 2024 Click here
Summary Report: A Public Opinion Survey on Awareness about the Right of Access to Information as it relates to the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000No date specifiedClick here
Media Invite: Information Regulator Commemorates IDUAI 202326 September 2023Click here
Proposed Code of Conduct by the Residential Communities Council (RCC)08 September 2023Click here

Meet the Chairperson

Chairperson of the Information Regulator 

ADV Pansy Tlakula holds a B. Proc degree from the University of the North( now the University of Limpopo), an LL.B degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and an LL.M degree from Harvard University. In 2006 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Legal Studies by the Vaal University of Technology

Meet the CEO

CEO of the Information Regulator

Mr Mosala hails from Bloemfontein in the Free State Province. He holds a Baccalaureus Artium (BA) degree majoring in Education and English and Baccalaureus Educationis (B Ed) Hon degree he further holds a Magister Educationis (MEd) degree and a Magister in Public Administration degree. He expanded his knowledge to equip him better for the public service as a manager by completing the following courses successfully and obtaining the following certifications; International Development, bridging the worlds of theory, policy and practice.