Hellen Shube holds a Master’s Degree in Business Leadership from the University of South Africa, Honour’s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development from the University of Johannesburg as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of the North, now known as the University of Limpopo.

Further to her qualifications, she has obtained a Diploma in Training and Development from Maccauvlei, a Post Graduate Certificate in Executive Development from the Tshwane University of Technology, a Public Management Development Certificate from the University of Pretoria, Labour Relations Certificate from the University of South Africa and a Presidential Strategic Leadership Development Post Graduate Certificate from the University of North West.

Her previous work experience has been in the area of Human Resource Management serving as the Chief Director for Corporate Services in the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), a Director for Corporate Services in the Department of Community Safety Security and Liaison as well as a Manager for Corporate Services in the Department of Education.

Furthermore, she has also held the positions of Assistant Director in Human Resource Management in the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature as well as a Skills Development Facilitator in the Office of the Premier in Mpumalanga.